Garantii | 1 aasta |
149 € 122.13 €+KM
Fibocom L860-GL-16 võimaldab allalaadimiskiiruseid kuni 1Gbit/s ja üleslaadimiskiiruseid kuni 150Mbit/s.
Arvuti ostu puhul paigaldame modemi arvutisse ilma lisatasuta.
Ühildub järgmiste ThinkPad mudelitega: P16 Gen 1, P16 Gen 2, P14s Gen 4, T14 Gen 4
Kui soovite veenduda, et Teie arvuti on 4G valmidusega, siis võtke meiega ühendust ja saame seda seerianumbri alusel kontrollida.
1-2 tööpäeva
VõrdleGarantii | 1 aasta |
The Fibocom’s L860-GL-16 is a multimode LTE & WCDMA module that provides Gigabit LTE speed, unleashing the potential of cellular technology to meet high speed bandwidth application demand.
With a rich selection of the frequency bands, L860-GL-16 provides global mobile network coverage to facilitate product with one SKU, reduces complexity in end product configuration.
ThinkPad Fibocom L860-GL-16 4G LTE CAT16 M.2 WWAN Module is a wireless communication module with receive diversity. It helps provide data connectivity and network with PCIe Gen2 M.2 interface. With downlink speed up to 1 Gbps and uplink speed up to 150 Mbps, the 4G LTE CAT16 WWAN module enhances the network reliability and availability of your ThinkPad, and provides a great cellular solution for travelers to sustain mobility while using PC devices.
Ühildub järgmiste ThinkPad mudelitega: P16 Gen 1, P16 Gen 2, P14s Gen 4, T14 Gen 4